Here's what's been happening--
500 Books
We placed 500 copies of the Book of Mormon in one day! Well, that's kind of how it happened. This is a picture of one of about ten all-inclusive resorts located in the next bay over from us. It is a Barcelo Hotel. We tried in the past to go inside one of the resorts just to look around. You would think we were trying to enter the White House or Buckingham Palace. They would not even let us park our car. Well, a few weeks ago we got a call from the mission office asking us to check out a request the hotel had made online for 500 copies of the Book of Mormon. They were requested from the site where you can get a copy for free. The office wasn't sure they should send 500 free copies! We made an appointment with the general manager's assistant, who had placed the order. She met us at the gate and welcomed us inside. She explained that the owner of all the Barcelo properties throughout the world wanted a copy of the Bible and the Book or Mormon in every hotel room. There is a little more to the story but, of course the mission would be happy to send 500 free copies of the Book or Mormon! After our meeting, she showed us around the property, we met the general manager, and they provided lunch for us in one of the restaurants. I think that was probably the best food we've had in the past 11 months. |
We have been complaining that the trees and hills are so brown and dry since we haven't had rain in over 6 months. The locals warned us about that. But they didn't warn us about tropical storms when it rains for days. Fortunately these tropical storms happen only about every ten years or so. Tropical storm Beatriz hit land right on top of us this past week and deterred much of our work for a few days, but at least the trees and hills are green again. I did not know that so much rain could fall so hard and so long in one place. It rained hard for almost 72 hours. On Friday morning, the last day of the storm, we decided to visit several members who we knew may be flooded or not able to leave their homes. We bought some groceries, then went with the Relief Society President to deliver them. The families, of course, were grateful. There were even three families who stayed at the church one day and night because they had so much water in their homes. But now the sun is shining and we are once again complaining about the heat and humidity.

Before and After
Temple Trip
Friday and Saturday, May 19-20, we made a trip to the temple in Oaxaca City with our branch. Although they go by bus overnight, we drove up in the day with our dear friends, Marta Pon and Sergio, which made the drive much more pleasant.
Sights along the way.
Bathroom stop and quesadillas at this mountain restaurant.
This is actually the first time in our mission that we had to use a bucket of water to flush the toilet.
A Bazaar |
So this was an interesting event. The branch members were asked to donate clothes, shoes and household items to sell in a little pueblito about 20 minutes away. They call it a bazaar. The money from the bazaar will be used to help a sister in the branch pay for surgery. Supposedly they do this on occasion to help pay for specific needs. We set up under this huge tree in the center of town and someone announced the event over the town's loud speaker. Before long, there was a crowd of ladies searching through the piles of clothes. Turns out it was a successful event and the bazaar has been held again in two other locations. |

I even found a new dress!
Reactivation Project
The leadership of our district, consisting of five branches, made plans to visit each branch and invite less active families to return to church. We, along with the four young missionaries, supported them. The first Saturday of the project Brent and I were able to visit three families in a little town about an hour away.

I carry little coloring books and packs of crayons with me. These kids were thrilled with the books as well as Brent's suckers, which he almost always has with him as well.
Chicken soup after visiting. (Chicken soup made with every part of the chicken including soft, unlaid eggs!)

Zone Conference

Hermana Madsen instructs the missionaries on various things each Zone Conference. This time she had suggestions of simple food they could prepare in their apartments. We made smoothies and French toast for lunch as part of the demonstration. When we do apartment checks, we are amazed at how little food the elders have in their apartments for breakfast or late night meals.

The elders after zone conference carrying supplies with them to the bus station.
Brent likes to take the elders sightseeing on P-day. Some elders who come here have never seen the ocean.
Monday lunch.
Change days can be very complicated. Who is leaving, who is staying, who has a connecting bus, who will travel with whom, who will wait for the new elders to arrive.... We use our car for luggage transportation and last Monday it was quite exhausting. 😉

Waiting at the bus station for new companions. There is A LOT of waiting in Mexico.
We take a snack and drink to District Meeting each Tuesday for the eight elders in our district. Missionaries are always hungry. Maybe they like us just for our food. 😁
People and Activities

Sarah's and Adrian's baptism day. They are not related, just had the same baptism date. Sarah's grandparents went to the temple with us in May.
I really like pozole and Hermana Nicefora taught me how to make it. It's not a recipe, just verbal instructions. One thing I did learn is how to shred cabbage with a knife.
Another beautiful handmade gift.
Beauty night at the church--makeup and hair.
Friends for dinner. The husbands in these two pictures each returned to church after many years of not attending. And they both baptized their wives as well.
Friday night branch activity. Always food--tacos and a birthday party. It's special if your birthday lands on a Friday. You get a branch party!
These crazies go to school next door to us. They sometimes stop by our house after school.

We have been so intrigued by this 85 year old couple who sells baskets every day except Sunday. They start out in the park across from the bus station and then, when the sun gets too hot, they move across the street to the plaza outside the bus station. They are from the hills in the north part of Oaxaca. They don't have a home here; they just sleep where they can. Brent paid them for an "interview."
Elder Johnson's "girlfriends."
April 30th is Day of the Children and, as with most special days, there was a fiesta at the church. The Primary teachers performed a special song and dance for the kids. It was quite entertaining!
This is a common site. A family of four easily fits on a moto. This cute family is in our branch. Her husband was out of town or there may have been five.
And finally....
Brent is addicted to mangos. Most days he eats two or three. We're going to miss these.
We rarely eat off the street but this is a very popular restaurant so we decided to try it. The food was delicious and we are still healthy.
Brent is so proud of the tropical flowers he's growing. He's added two new ones in the last month.

A new hamburger place opened up a while back. It replaced one that wasn't very good and we don't think this one is either. It is near our house and we rarely see customers there. Don't know if it's the food or the atmosphere, but naming anything "Trump" is not a good idea here in Mexico.